
Friday, May 18, 2012

The Eco Kids Rainforest Adventure Continues…

Chaa Creek has had a rich past as an ancient, bustling ancient Maya community and trade centre, as a vibrant part of the early British Honduras chicle and logging industry and as one of the many farms supplying San Ignacio town before becoming home to Belize’s first eco-resort. We respect this colourful heritage while at the same time recognising the importance of contributing towards a positive future. As part of our commitment to Green sustainability, all of us at Chaa Creek are continually promoting greater environmental awareness and respect for the things that make Belize so special. We also try to pass on our passion for protecting Belize’s unique natural beauty and resources. And who better to reach out to than the future custodians of Belize’s natural wealth – our children. This year Chaa Creek is once again sponsoring the Eco Kids Summer Camp; an exciting, fun filled educational adventure set within a pristine 365 acre private nature reserve that is home to an extraordinary range of wildlife, birds and flora. During the week of July 21 – July 29, 24 lucky kids aged between eight and 13 years old will get the opportunity to learn first-hand about their incredible natural heritage and, most importantly, learn how to protect and ensure its survival for their own children’s wonder and enjoyment. The Eco Kids Camp is not only an amazing educational opportunity, it is also a lot fun. And the good news for parents and kids is that it’s free! Twenty four young people will be invited to attend this week long, all-inclusive educational adventure as Chaa Creek’s guests. And all-inclusive means just that – everything is provided, from comfortable lodging in cabins at the Macal River Camp, delicious, healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners as well as snacks throughout the day, a range of carefully designed activities and events, all arts and craft materials and even special tee-shirts. Camp counsellors will be with the kids 24 hours a day and tours will be conducted by our licensed naturalist guides. During this amazing nine day – eight night adventure, the Eco-Kids will learn about biodiversity, conserving natural resources, and ancient Maya history and culture including traditional healing and medicinal plants. The focus will be on the Three “R”s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This is a program designed to instill values that will have a positive impact on how children conduct their lives, their relationship with our precious Earth, and the sustainable development of our resources. They will come away with a deeper understanding and respect for the natural world and their place in it. Exciting guided educational activities include hikes to ancient Maya sites where young people will learn about Maya culture while taking part in real archaeological excavations under professional supervision. Imagine horseback riding through beautiful jungle trails while identifying birds and exotic animals and studying medicinal and other useful plants. The Eco-Kids will also learn hands-on sustainable organic farming techniques and take part in fun, safe, supervised water activities and enjoy and learn from creative activities such as song writing and talent show sessions. Even entering the competition to join this year’s Eco-Kids is a creative exercise. To be in the draw, Belizean kids eight to 13 years old must write a 300 word essay in English explaining why they want to be an Eco-Kid. The essays will be judged on creative content, structure and grammar, and the best essays will be entered into a lotto draw where six boys and six girls from each category (Eco Greenies at 8-10 years and Eco Saplings of 11-13 years) will be picked as winners. All entries must be sent by email to marketing[@] or posted to Chaa Creek, P.O. Box 53, San Ignacio, Cayo by JUNE 4th 2012 and judging will take place on June 14th 2012. So kids, sit down, put your thoughts on paper, and tell us in your own words why you want to be an Eco-Kid. Parents, teachers and friends are encouraged to help young people take part in this years’ Eco-Kids completion and are invited to contact Larry Waight by phone at 824-2037 or email marketing[@] for any inquiries concerning Chaa Creek’s Eco Kids Camp 2012. Good Luck and we hope to see you at Chaa Creek this year for an eco adventure you’ll never forget!

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